Blog 9- Diffusion of Innovation


Diffusion of Innovation - Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging is good. 

Pioneers - 1996 ( First company launches one to one messaging)

Early Adopters - 2002 (Apple launches ichat)

Early Majority - 2006 (MySpace, first messaging platform)

Late Adopters - 2009 (WhatsApp launched, now able to send pics and vids)

Laggards - 2020 (People still don't have texting on their phones)

    The timeline of instant messaging is one that moves very quickly because instant messaging gained popularity quickly. People loved the idea of sending messages to friends and being able to talk without speaking. It only made it better that we had the technology to advance this idea quickly. In 1996 the first company launched a messaging platform. It was called ICQ and allowed for one to one messaging. At its peak, there were 100 million registered accounts. They were the pioneers because this was the first time this type of technology was being used. The Early adopters came in 2002 when Apple launched messaging on a device. More people learned what instant messaging was and could get it faster. The early majority of users were in 2006 when MySpace became an instant success. MySpace created the first instant messaging platform with a social network included. 

    Some people still weren't sold on instant messaging and still used the phone to call people. The late adopters were still not convinced instant messaging would catch on. But in 2009 WhatsApp was created which gave users the ability to talk with people in different countries. This was a milestone because it showed people that this technology was here to stay and that we haven't even hit the surface of what this technology could do. With the pandemic in 2020 people relyed on technology and instant messaging more than ever. But the fact that some people, mostly those who are older, still didn't have the technological know-how or ability made it difficult for their families to connect with them during this time. There are still some laggards who only have flip phones or landlines and don't know how to text. But the majority of people rely on instant messaging. They rely on it so much that some people are losing the social ability to talk on the phone.


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