Blog 7- Something New I Learned


Something New I Learned

    During the Technology History presentations today I learned so much about early technology. One thing that stood out to me that I hadn't been aware of came from the Printing Press presentation. During this presentation Drew mentioned how Albert Einstein said that religions wouldn't be the way they are today if it wasn't for the printing press. She said that people used to not believe things unless they were written down and prior to the printing press it was hard to produce writings. Once the press was invented bibles and other religious writings were now able to be typed out and mass-produced. Because of this more and more people became aware of religions and were able to switch if they wanted. They were unaware of options before but the printing press made that easier. Einstein credits the printing press for the expansion of religions. 

    According to the presentation, the printing press opened the door for so many literary works. It allowed for writings to be typed faster and easier so that more people could read them. Without the printing, press history would be so different and any technological advances we've made since the printing press would be very behind. Because of the advances of the printing press, it allowed for more technological thinkers to develop things we couldn't imagine living without today. 


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