Blog 10- Ted Talks


 Ted Talks about Privacy:

    Something that sticks out to me in listening to these Ted Talks on privacy is how little the public knows. These researchers have learned about all the breaches of privacy but more than half the population has no idea that they are basically being watched 24/7. The scary thing about being constantly observed is that we don't know what information they are compiling and if it is accurate. Someone could be placed on a watch list for doing something that they didn't do. In one of the videos, she talked about license plate readers and how they are constantly being monitored. But what is scary about that is that I let people borrow my car all the time. When I'm home, my parents use my car often but that license plate is a reflection of me. Or similarly, someone could be signed into my Google account searching for things that I don't want in my private history. While it's my "fault" for not signing out or allowing someone to use my car it is scary to think of all the situations they could have gotten in that would have reflected me. 

    People don't think about the repercussions of their actions when they're big issues let alone small ones like Googling something or using your credit card to pay for something online. All of these actions are being traced and people have access to this information. The fact that this has been happening since as early as 2004 and we the public had no idea about it shows how secretive it is and how powerful their protection is. 


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