Blog 4

     I believe websites like and The American Conservative are able to post their very strong opinions because they target that type of audience. The reason they are able to do this but mainstream news sources are not is because those news sources have to provide news to everyone, no matter their political beliefs. Their job is to be indifferent and just give the news while websites like these are allowed to say their true thoughts. Their job is to write what they believe and give their take on a news story wile mainstream news is just suppose to give the news minus their personal take on it. The main reason websites like this are allowed to post their beliefs is because they aren't owned by anyone and they aren't trying to keep this mutual persona that mainstream news sources have to. Websites like these are allowed to be free because if you don't believe in it and don't want to read it then don't. That is your choice and there are plenty of websites that you will agree with. Mainstream news can't do that because their job is to adhear to everyone and not lean to one side or the other. 

    The reason I've never heard of websites like this is probably because I've never seaked them out. I never went looking for websites like these. I think that inorder to know a website like this exists you have to seek it out and want to find it and when they do find it, it's not a big deal. People share articles from mainstream news sources that sway a particular way because they're not suppose to. So the people that are those are trying to either get a rise out of people or get that news source in trouble. When people find articles from websites like they aren't going to share them because the website did nothing wrong. 


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