Blog 5- Values of Free Expression


Promote Tolernance

  One of the most important of the Eight Vales of Free Expression is to Promote Tolerance. A big reason that the First Amendment has laws is so it leads to more tolerance. Laws should rarely be used and it is up to society to work things out on its own. I think this perspective is very interesting and not many people have this type of mindset. It is important to realize how much power society has and how much we can educate each other. Society needs to help each other out, teach each other, and show each other where we went wrong. It is important that people listen to society and make the proper adjustments in order to change for the better and move on. Society as a whole, regardless of your political beliefs, is here to help each other.

    Society has a lot of different platforms, one of them being entertainment. Television entertainment has a way of influencing society in both positive and negative ways. Now more than ever do we need a positive influence. We need the influence that implements positive change in order for our society to be better. More recent forms of entertainment, such as TV shows and movies, have used their voices to promote more tolerance. TV shows such as Canadas "From Far Away" and "Lights for Gita" (CBS.CA) promotes tolerance in young children using entertainment. Congress could pass laws to make intolerance illegal but it is better to leave it up to society to teach people that it's wrong. Having a law that says you can't do something will only make people want to do it more. But by having a peer from society teach and inform you will most likely make you more open to change. 

    According to the Institute for Free Speech "cancel culture" is becoming bigger and bigger and showing society's limit on intolerance ( Society as a whole came up with "cancel culture" and not congress. Whether you agree with it or not this just goes to show you how much power society has. This movement is "canceling" those who are intolerant and express negative. Rather than them being thrown in jail for being intolerant, society is letting them know that their actions are not okay and they should change them. If congress had a law then many people would be in jail who really shouldn't be. All they need is a little help and education to change their intolerance. The free expression of Promoting Tolerance is important because it shows us how much society as a whole can change people for the better and how much outside information such as TV shows can also help implement tolerance change.


                                                                    Works Cited

5 Free Short Films To Teach Kids About Tolerance and Diversity | CBC Parents. (2017, June 28). Retrieved September 24, 2020, from

Why a Culture of Free Expression Demands Tolerance. (2020, August 10). Retrieved September 24, 2020, from



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