
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog 5- Values of Free Expression

     Promote Tolernance    One of the most important of the Eight Vales of Free Expression is to Promote Tolerance. A big reason that the First Amendment has laws is so it leads to more tolerance. Laws should rarely be used and it is up to society to work things out on its own. I think this perspective is very interesting and not many people have this type of mindset. It is important to realize how much power society has and how much we can educate each other. Society needs to help each other out, teach each other, and show each other where we went wrong. It is important that people listen to society and make the proper adjustments in order to change for the better and move on. Society as a whole, regardless of your political beliefs, is here to help each other.     Society has a lot of different platforms, one of them being entertainment. Television entertainment has a way of influencing society in both positive and negative ways. Now more than ever do we need a positive influence. We

Blog 4

       I believe websites like and The American Conservative are able to post their very strong opinions because they target that type of audience. The reason they are able to do this but mainstream news sources are not is because those news sources have to provide news to everyone, no matter their political beliefs. Their job is to be indifferent and just give the news while websites like these are allowed to say their true thoughts. Their job is to write what they believe and give their take on a news story wile mainstream news is just suppose to give the news minus their personal take on it. The main reason websites like this are allowed to post their beliefs is because they aren't owned by anyone and they aren't trying to keep this mutual persona that mainstream news sources have to. Websites like these are allowed to be free because if you don't believe in it and don't want to read it then don't. That is your choice and there are plenty of websites

Blog 3- BLM and the First Amendment

          There has been a lot of confusion and tension between the Black Lives Matter movement and the First Amendment. The confusion stems from how certain freedoms get used. The First Amendment allows for multiple freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, both of which BLM is utilizing. A peaceful protest, like what the Black Lives Matter movement intends to do, is protected under the First Amendment. People are allowed to peacefully take the streets and speak their voice in protest. Where the First Amendment stops is within the private sectors. Meaning a business or organization can refuse to support this movement or refuse people to wear anything or say something affiliated with BLM.       This was the case for Florida middle school student who was sent home for wearing an "I can't breathe" face mask in support of the BLM movement. Her parents were furious and were not given a reason from the school why her daughter was sent home and in trouble. Whi

Blog 2- U.S. Supreme Court

  Blog 2 - U. S. Supreme Court      The U.S Supreme Court is the highest form of court the United States has. It is made up of nine justices who have been appointed to the position. The Supreme Court is the place where court cases go if they feel they were wrongly decided upon in lower court. The job of the Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution and determine if these cases were tried unfairly or not. If a case is brought to the Supreme Court their ruling is final and the case is then closed for good.  The Supreme Court gets sent about hundreds of cases a week and they can only open up half of those. It is very difficult to get your case seen by the court simply because of how many they get at a time. The nine justices have lots of help sorting through the cases and finding which ones to take on. It is a very difficult and long process.     It is very interesting to think of all the types of cases that get sent to the Supreme Court. Anyone can send their case to them so they get a