
Showing posts from August, 2020

Blog 1- My News Sources

1. Facebook      Facebook provides news articles from a bunch of different places. What I love about Facebook is that your articles aren't tied to one news source. I can find articles from FOX, CNN, NBC, etc. Facebook is a combination of news and entertainment like any other form of social media. I enjoy scrolling through Facebook because while you scroll past pictures of your friends and family you occasionally see an article pop up that might interest you. Facebook also allows people to share and send articles. If one of my family members sees an article that I would like they can send it to me so I see it too. With all of this convenience, it is almost impossible to miss an article or news story you'd be interested in. I would recommend this to someone because it isn't just a new source there is also entertainment on Facebook as well, you get the best of both worlds. 2. Google News