
Showing posts from December, 2020

Post 12 - My Online Pesence

 My Online Presence:      In middle school and high school, social media is the biggest thing. All that matters is what you post and how many likes you get. Once I got out into the real world I realized how little social media matters. I noticed myself posting less and not worrying about how many followers I had. I had other things to deal with and real problems to face. I saw how artificial people's social media accounts were and that they only posted the highlights of their lives. Because of this, I would say I have a medium-sized online footprint. Online doesn't just mean social media, so while I don't use social media that much I do go "online" in other ways. I use google for everything even though I know it tracks what I'm doing. I also do have a personal website. This website has projects I've worked on and my contact info. Due to that, I would say I have more of an online footprint than I thought which is why I think it is medium-sized.      My most