
Showing posts from November, 2020

Post 11 - Sherman Antitrust Act

  Sherman Antitrust Act:     The Sherman Antitrust Act was established in 1890 and is named after Senator John Sherman of Ohio. Sherman was the Secretary of the Treasury under President Hayes. This act was the first act passed by congress that outlawed the practice of monopolistic businesses. This act prevents a business or a person in that business from getting too powerful. Monopolies were and still are seen as dangerous and one business having executive power isn't good for business. People during the time of the 1890s were in favor of the Sherman Antitrust Act because they felt it would protect small businesses. According to, "T he Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade," and any "monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize" (  This act was passed on April 8, 1890, by the Senate with a resounding vote of 51-1. It was then sent to the House on June 20